Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My daddy has taken a fancy to listening to PINK. When I asked him why the sudden change in music preference, he answers "trying to remain forever 21".
The key word is "trying". Manz...i got a cute daddy. Lol.
As of late, I think I have been becoming more and more superstitious, esp when it concerns my element, horoscope and star sign. Sometimes, I think it is really fruitless for me to go surfing hundreds of such websites to read up about the Virgo and so on when they are telling me the same stuff anw. All the things abt being "thoroughly meticulous..bustling with energy and always have plenty to do..quest for perfection and inability to ignore even the smallest of faults"..yea I heard it all. But what is the thing that keeps making me continue to source for such sites when I know that there is a risk that such knowledge may be, to the extent of being, fabricated.
In fact, what exactly is the factor attributing to so many people being addicted to learning abt such stuff?
Gave some thoughts abt it and managed to come up with some conclusions.
Some may be juz trying to find their sense of identity. Although they do know some things about themselves here and there, its only part and parcel of their whole genetic make-up. And being humans, we are greedy; we want the whole package. Hence, we source for these websites in hopes of finding all the qualities we supposedly are to possess. Also some are juz seeking affirmation to the qualities they know they have. Like they wanna see these qualities written in black and white over and over again on all the websites pertaining to their element..
Another simple reason is that they juz need a reason for being what and who they are. Everyday, humans are constantly trying to discover more and more about the mysterious universe and answering all the questions pertaining to different magnificent phenomenons. And one of the magnificent phenomenons is actually mankind. So by reading up on their elements, and the characteristics their elements are supposedly to posses, they found a reason to own the negative or positive qualities they have. And also, so that when others criticize them like for example "why are you so untidy?", they can simply rebut with the lousy argument "I can’t help it. My horoscope says so". Sheessh..even when I am typing this now, I find myself guilty of this action. So what’s all the stuff abt man controlling destiny?
There are also those who needs to know what's in store for them tomorrow and what exactly do their future holds for them. These people are those who think they are controlling their destiny but in reality, are ironically allowing star signs to control their lives instead. They need to know exactly what colour they wear wud ward off the evil they are allegedly to face the next day and whether the eclipse of a planet with any other planet will catalyse any of the activites they are planning to do tomorrow, like confession of love and cutting of hair.
Another case in point, which I suppose would apply to many of the horoscope readers, is the hunger to satisfy that burning question "IS HE/SHE COMPATIBLE WITH ME?" or "IS SHE/HE SUITABLE TO BE MY FRIEND?" but of coz, the latter question is less often pondered as compared to the former. Oh wellz..no further eleboration needed
Hmmm..i think that’s all I can come up with currently..haha.oh wellz. Juz realize that all apply to me..haha.oOpS!

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