Thursday, August 07, 2008

Today I made…mistakes. And the mistakes only get better, especially the last one.
Am very depressed.


My handphone battery went … FLAT.
Elaboration: I missed 3 phone calls and got bombed by 7 messages when I turned on my phone. And none are good news.


I forgot to attend Clarisse’s tuition.
Elaboration: And the worst part of it all was that, this lesson was a postponed lesson from another date…REQUESTED BY ME! As every good friend of mine knows, I always have a schedule book with me to keep track of all the never-ending meetings, tuition lessons, gatherings, to-do list and lectures I have. So why did I forget? Because Vanessa forgot to write it down. Why did she forget to write it down? She was crossing the road when negotiating for the postponed lesson with the mother. She did write it down, but on a separate piece of paper, which she had come to forget to transfer to her schedule book.


I changed Clarisse’s tuition back to the original timing.
Elaboration: In my anxiety to make it up to the mother, I overlapped onto another tuition, tuition A, that have caused me to change Clarisse’s tuition in the first place. I mean DUH! What was I thinking? Of course I had something on that day. That’s why I made the following arrangements to postpone IT! So I had to call and change tuition A to ANOTHER day. Currently, that tuition will be fixed on Monday, 11th Aug, while Clarisse’s tuition will be on Tuesday.

Salad Course

I realized that I have Film & Performing Arts meeting on Monday, 11th Aug..same day as tuition A. OMG.
Elaboration: At this point, I seriously couldn’t care about the meeting already. Especially when I can’t postpone the meeting. Maybe I will rush to SIM to attend it after my tuition ba. Sigh. I seriously do not want to take a cab there at 7pm with the ERP and peak hour surcharges. Yuck. Maybe I will ask my senior if my small puny presence is even required.

Main Course

I have to change tuition A again next week because it will be Clarisse’s Chinese Exam the next day.
Elaboration: I forgot all about tuition A and agreed to Clarisse’s mum that I can come on Tuesday. I am such a klutz. It was a little difficult to remember tuition A at that time of promising Clarisse’s mom ‘cos I haven even start that tuition A yet. It was something like a pending issue thingy. Well, the main reason was due to the usual reason (excuse, laziness, forgetfulness, whatever you wanna call it) that I didn’t write that tuition A down on my diary. Ugh. Actually, I had planned to postpone this tuition already. But now that I have postponed it once, it seems really bad that I want to postpone it twice in a row. The thankful nature of this all is that that tuition is very flexible, as in I can arrange it on any long as I come. But I just don’t like the bad habit of changing.


I took bus 59 with my mum at Toa Payoh Central.
Elaboration: Our destination was bound home..which is Toa Payoh Lorong 2. We ended up in Eunos and had to take a cab back, costing my mum $7.70. Guess who was the idiot who said 59 passes by my bus stop?? I give you a hint: It can’t be my mum. She is a smart lady.


So if you think your day was bad, think again.
Just when I think the day is about to end, life drops me a couple more desserts to sweeten my day to the finest extent and the end is always the greatest, the best – to get suaned by my mother.

People say it takes 10 lies to cover 1 lie.


Vanessa is feeling depressed.

Go away.

Shoo! Shooo….oh not you, yea you. I meant my depression. Dun be mistaken or that will be the 11th mistake of the day.
What? Why did I say 11th mistake when I only mentioned 6th? Oh you are so cute..i didn’t type out the rest.
What?? Oh yea. Sure, no prob. You are very welcome.
I am glad I brightened your day.



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