Saturday, June 07, 2008

On June 10, 2008, I will be officially jobless. I do not know if that is a good thing or a bad thing I mean, I have been working since the start of my holiday and unlike most, I have managed to get hold of a job that kept me for 6 months - my entire holiday. I still rememberthe first day of work at RBC Dexia. Seriously, I still cannot recall why I was so brave as to take up a job for such a long period of time,without a friend. Things started dreadful as they always do, I suppose,for my case. I had no company for lunch for the first few days and hadto eat alone or not eat at all.
After a few days, people started to get accustomed to seeing me in the office. Occasional nods or smiles would be cast in my direction when walking along the lobby or office and my department started to get closer to me. More work started piling in, harder each time, and more interaction with other departments as well. Amidst of all these mayhem, I even managed to become closer friends with my colleagues like Charmaine. I suppose if I really cannot bear leaving this place, it's because if all the relationships I have formed in this office as well as the experience I have gained from this company. Working in this company, I managed to gain much insights and understanding from the working world, some good, but mostly bad. But ultimately, if you enter the correct firm or department, meet the correct people and be yourself, you will be safe. Or maybe that is just my utopian view of everything.

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